User manual of Hygrothermograph
Product Specification
Temperature Measuring Range :-50°C~ +70°C(-58°F~+158°F)
Temperature Measuring Accuracy: ± 1 °C (1.8°F)
Temperature Resolution: 0.1°C(0.2°F )
Humanity Measuring Range:10%RH-99%RH
Humanity Measuring Accuracy: ± 5%RH
Humanity Resolution:1%
Used Battery:AAA1.5V
12/24Hourly Clock
Hourly Chime Function
Daily Alarm Function
Calendar Display Function
Operation Method
1.Burst through battery door according to indicated direction in product back and take out separator and then put this battery door in back, this product just can be used.
2. Key Function: [MODE] is to switch clock and alarm clock display modes and set current time alarm time, 12or 24hourly system and date: [ADJ] is to adjust values of project: [MEMORY] is to display maximum & minimum hum idity and temperature values in memory,and remove memorized maxiMum & minimum temperature and humidity values; [°C/F] is to switch temperature unit to display temperature in C (degreeCelsius) or in F (degree Fahrenheit):RESET is to remove allSet/memorized values and get back original state.
3. Under original state,press [Mode] key for 2 seconds to make minute value in current time begin to twinkle,and press [ADJ] key to adjust minute numberand cont inuously press [MODE] key to respectively set"Clock" "2/24""Month(M)" and"Day(D)"
4. Under curent clock mode (two points between clockand minute twinkle one time perminute),press [MODE] on time to switch display as clock mode(two pointsbetween clock and minute don't twinkle),and now press [ADJ] key to witch on and off of "QuarterBell (Alarm)""function/"hourly chime"( •)) ) function,Press [MODE ] key for another two seconds to Setalarm time, and meanwhile, start"Houly Chime"function, sign(-)))) appears.
5. Under alarm clock mode,automatically get back current clock in one minute in case of no any operatiop and press [ADJ] key one time to switch to calendar display,and auto matically return to current clock after three seconds; press MAX/MIN key to display maximun value of tem perature/humidity since last clear (CLEAR).
6. Press [MEMORY] key to display memorized maximum (MAX) and minimum (MIN) values of temperature/humidity. and press[MEMORY] key for more than two seconds to memorized maximum/minimum value.
1. please press one time the [RESET] key (in product's back) when using or replacing battery for first time.
2. Please press one time the [Reset] key in case of this product happening any mistakes;
3. Please put the exhausted battery in back position de signed by govemment.