Diagnostic Kit for Calprotectin (Colloidal Gold)
Intructions for use
Intended Use
This kit is applicable to the semi-quanitative detection of calprotectin (Cal) in human stool sample, for auxiliary diagnostic of inflammatory intestinal disease.
The kit only provids the test result of calprotectin, and the obtained result shall be analyzed in combination with other clinical information.
It must only be used by healthcare professionals.
Caprotectin (Cal) is a heteromeric that appears in cytoplasm of neutrophil, is expressed on monocyte membrane , and comprises two calcium protiens (MRP8 and MRP 14 ).
It is constituted by about 60% of soluble cytoplasmic proteins in neutrophil and plays a central role in neutrophil defense.
On neutrophil activated or mononulear endothelial adhesion, calprotectin cells can be released and detected in serum, body fluid or stool as a potential useful clinical marker for inflammation.
This acute-phaes protein shows very good stable period (stable for 1 week atroom temperature) in stool and has been determined as a marker for inflammatory bowel disease.